Lazarus’ Tomb

…Jesus…found…Lazarus had…been in the tomb four days…Jesus said to her (Martha), “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me…shall never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:17-27

As we continue to look at Lazarus’ death and resurrection, we see Jesus has arrived near Bethany, only to learn that Lazarus had been buried 4 days earlier. This news is given for the reader’s benefit because Jesus deliberately delayed His travel to Bethany when He heard of Lazarus’ illness. God Incarnate, Jesus, knew what He was doing. Readers of this story, which John wrote, might think that Jesus was too late, as did Martha, Mary and, the mourners surrounding them. But, God is never late nor is He ever early. God is always on time! And now, it was time to demonstrate to all those present that Jesus was the Lord over death and the grave. But first, Jesus must deal with Martha’s and Mary’s thinking of Jesus’ delay as the reason Lazarus died. Having heard Jesus was just outside Bethany, Martha goes to where Jesus is and says, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died…” Martha is expressing her belief in Jesus, as Messiah, but, somehow limited, not able to raise a rotting corpse back to life. In Jesus’ response to her and her reply to Him, we see Martha’s belief that she knows of a “resurrection on the last day” but, not now by her Lord Jesus. Jesus clarifies to Martha that He is “the resurrection and the life.” In asking Martha if she believed that of Him, she answered Jesus, “Yes, Lord…” You who are reading this, Jesus says that “everyone who lives and believes in” Jesus “shall never die.” If you are not a Christian, now is the time for you to believe and be saved. Call upon Jesus, believe Him, obey Him and, live eternally with Him!

Source: S C Ball March 18, 2023


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