Lazarus Dies

Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany…Then Jesus told them (the Disciples) plainly, “Lazarus has died…

John 11:1-16

The story of Lazarus’ illness, death and, resurrection teaches a lot of theology and Jesus’ deity and we will use several devotionals to deal with the whole story. Today, we will see the Lazarus family, Jesus’ love for them, how Jesus deals with the report of Lazarus’ illness and, Jesus’ teaching His Disciples of how this world will deal with Him. Lazarus lived in Bethany, a village two miles from Jerusalem. Lazarus had two sisters, Martha and Mary and, they lived together. Lazarus became ill and his sisters sent word to Jesus of Lazarus’ illness. Jesus’ reaction to word of Lazarus’ illness was, “This illness does not lead to death.” Only God Incarnate, Jesus, could say that because He knew that what would happen would bring glory to God. Scripture tells us Jesus loved Martha, Mary and, Lazarus. Jesus’ love here would be a human love one has for a dear friend(s). Jesus remains where He was for 2 more days after hearing of Lazarus’ illness. Martha and Mary had expected Jesus to come to them right away because they knew Jesus would heal Lazarus just as He had healed many others during His earthly ministry. However, they did not believe Jesus could raise someone from the dead. It was one thing to raise a little girl who had just died in her bed or, a boy who was just being carried to his grave, having died only hours before but, the sisters would lose all hope of Lazarus being healed if he were to be buried 3, or more, days. So, Jesus stayed where He was for 2 more days! There has been much speculation about Jesus’ delay but, Jesus, God Incarnate, knew what He was doing and we will deal further with that later. Next, Jesus tells His Disciples that He must return to Judea where Bethany is located. His Disciples are aghast at His decision for the religious leaders were seeking Jesus to kill Him. Jesus’ response to them seems simple yet, cryptic, as He talks about walking in the day, not stumbling and, walking in the night, stumbling, because the “light” is not in him. Jesus then tells His Disciples that Lazarus “has fallen asleep,” a phrase referring to death. But, the Disciples do not understand saying Lazarus will recover. Jesus tells them, plainly, that Lazarus is dead and, “for your sake, I am glad I was not there so that you may believe.” Still thinking Jesus would be killed when He returned to Bethany, Thomas said, for the whole group, “let us also go, that we may die with Him.” Christians, there is a “death” we must all experience in our life committed to our Savior and Lord. Jesus said we must die to ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him wherever He leads. May Christians everywhere be willing to live for Jesus each and every day we have remaining on this earth so that we may be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven!

Source: S C Ball March 17, 2023


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