…Mary came to where Jesus was…fell at His feet, saying…Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping…He was deeply moved in His spirit…
John 11:28-37
Martha has departed where Jesus was and tells her sister, Mary, the “Teacher” wants to see her. Mary goes, quickly, to Jesus, just outside the village of Bethany, with the mourners close behind her thinking Mary was going to Lazarus’ tomb to mourn there. Mary falls at Jesus’ feet, weeping, and saying the same thing Martha had said earlier, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Seeing both sisters distraught over their brother’s death, Jesus now becomes “deeply moved in His spirit.” Jesus’ humanity is what is being displayed here for Jesus loved these siblings. The death of the man of the family, in Jesus’ day, meant more than just the death of the loved one. Women and children left widowed and orphaned were often left impoverished because the man was the only income earner in the home and, without him, the home will disintegrate. So, Jesus sees these sisters, considers their plight and, becomes emotional at what their future was going to be. He joins with them in their mourning Lazarus’ death. At His request, Jesus is taken to Lazarus’ tomb. The people who saw Him weeping with Mary commented about Jesus’ love for this family. But, others, we are told, asked why Jesus could heal the blind but, not keep Lazarus from dying. Let us remember that the people of that time believed, superstitiously, that the spirit of the dead remained near the body for 3 days in case the body somehow was healed and brought back to life. This plays into Jesus’ delay in coming to Lazarus when He was notified. Jesus was about to demonstrate His absolute Authority over death that the people believed to be impossible to return from. Until He does, Jesus mourns with those who mourn and comforts all who are in need. What a great God we serve! May Christians, everywhere, give Him praise and glory now and into eternity!
Source: S C Ball March 19, 2023
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