Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning…that servant who knew his master’s will but did not get ready or act according to his will, will receive a severe beating.
Luke 12:35-48
Jesus, in this long message to His Disciples, tells of servants whose master has gone to his wedding and is expected to return at any moment. These servants are to be on alert for their master’s knock at the door to let him enter immediately. Jesus tells His Disciples that such servants are “blessed” and their master will invite them to dine with him, something masters rarely had their servants do in Jesus’ day. Jesus, then says that His Disciples and, all Christians, must be ready for the return of the Son of Man, for He will come at a time no one expects. From a question by Peter regarding the ones to whom Jesus was telling this parable, Jesus talks of the “faithful and wise” servant of the house who will be blessed when the master comes and finds the servant fulfilling his duties unsupervised. By comparison, Jesus says that the servant who “knew his master’s will but did not get ready…” for the servant will “receive a severe beating.” Even the servant who “did not know” his master’s will still will receive a light beating. Jesus ends His parable by saying those “to whom much was given,” much will be required of that servant. And, to those who have been entrusted with much, more will be demanded. Dear Christians, we must pray for the leaders to whom God has entrusted the gospel message and the edification of God’s children, pastors and, even, teachers, for these are given the responsibility for the right teaching and preaching of God’s Holy Scriptures! Let those with such gifts and responsibilities from God be vigilant in our rightly dividing God’s Word to His “little children.”
Source: S C Ball February 22, 2023
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