Sacrifice of Praise

Hebrews 13:13-15

Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name.

Normally, some of the meat offered as sacrifices was available as food for the priests but, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest could eat no portion of the animal sacrificed. Since the New Covenant offered only one sacrifice for all believers, there is no parallel to the Old Covenant practice of using sacrificed meat. For those of us in Christ, we “feed” at an altar from which only those who are in Christ can eat which is Holy Communion. We know the Messiah more fully than any old covenant believer could know God and we can more fully enjoy and appreciate the spiritual nourishment that Christ gives us. Over the centuries, the Roman Catholic church has regarded the Communion as a repetition of the sacrifice of Christ, with the bread actually becoming the body of Christ and the wine, His blood. In Hebrews, the emphasis is on the finality of the work of Christ, making the Roman Catholic position untenable and blasphemous since the finality of Jesus’ sacrifice is denied. Now, there is a place for sacrifice in the worship of the new covenant as today’s verses tell us. They are sacrifices of praise, offered spontaneously and joyfully through Christ and from a redeemed heart filled with the Holy Spirit. When we worship, we are encouraged to finish the race of faith. In our praise, we see the special activity of Christ as Mediator, pleading our case before the Father to ensure our perseverance. A 16th century theologian commented: “God cannot be really invoked by us and His name glorified, except through Christ the mediator; for it is He alone who sanctifies our lips, which otherwise are unclean, to sing the praises of God; and it is He who opens a way for our prayers, who in short performs the office of a priest, presenting Himself before God in our name.” In light of the great sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, the Christian’s appropriate response is one of worship and praise. As we glorify God, we are strengthened; and we testify to the reality that, one day, all of creation will worship Him. As you go about your day today, take time to offer up sacrifices of praise to the Lord.

Source: S C Ball May 1, 2024


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