The Rich Man & Lazarus

There was a rich man…And, at his gate, was laid a poor man named Lazarus…

Luke 16:19-31

In an extensive survey of a cross-section of people in America, most of people, in the church and outside of the church, asserted their belief in the existence and reality of heaven. Yet, most of them denied the existence and reality of hell. During His earthly ministry, Jesus spoke more of hell than He spoke of Heaven. Jesus tells us the condition of two men, in life on the earth, one of them rich, one of them impoverished; one of them comfortable, one of them miserable. Now, there is no inherent evil in any man being wealthy, but this particular man was quite rich and he was ostentatious about it. He made an extravagant display of his wealth. By contrast, Lazarus, not only was impoverished, but he was also suffering from endless sores that filled his body. He was also a man on the edge of starvation every second in this life. In this parable, both men died. Jesus says Lazarus was carried to Heaven by angels. But, of the rich man, He says that the rich man was buried. But, it is clear that the rich man is conscious of his existence now is in Hell. In the rich man’s cry for mercy, he asks for Lazarus to come, dip his finger in some water and, to put a drop upon his lips. For the first time in his existence, the rich man desired mercy because he had always had what he believed this life could offer. But, he did not realize the poverty of his soul and his need of a Savior though, in his Jewish religion, he would have learned of this Savior. Then, “Abraham” tells the rich man, in hell, of the “good things” he had received in his earthly life and says that there is a great gulf between Heaven and hell which cannot be crossed. Realizing his eternal position, the rich man now pleads for Lazarus to go to his brothers, still living on earth, to warn them. “Abraham” tells the rich man that, just like the rich man, his brothers have the Holy Scriptures that they must hear and heed and, that, even if someone were to go to them from the dead, they would not believe because they do not believe God’s Holy Scriptures. Oh readers, God’s Holy Word tells us of a day when two will preach the gospel unceasingly during the Tribulation period. They will eventually be killed but, after 3 days, they will rise to the astonishment of many yet, they will still not believe! There is no bridge from hell to heaven. Once this life comes to an end, it is too late to repent of sin and look to Christ for mercy. Today, in this life only, is there an opportunity to have eternal life in Christ.

Source: S C Ball March 24, 2023


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