Plot to Kill

Many of the Jews…believed in Him [Jesus]…But…Caiaphas…said…it is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish.

John 11:45-57

Jesus’ raising Lazarus from being dead for 4 days convinced many of the Jews who witnessed the event to believe in Him. But, of course, we have some “tattle tails” who tell the religious leaders of what Jesus had done. So, these evil men gathered to commiserate with one another and discuss what to do next. John shows us that these religious leaders were more concerned about the Roman government’s reaction to these events and their own societal positions than they were to see the long-awaited Messiah and receive Him as their Savior and Lord. Having heard enough of their whining, the high priest, Caiaphas, exerts his leadership by telling them that it is better that one man should “die for the people and, not the whole nation.” This initiates the plan to kill Jesus and Lazarus since Lazarus represents the power of Jesus to raise the dead. Jesus knows that the religious leaders are now planning to kill Him and He “no longer walked openly among the Jews.” But, the Passover was near and Jesus must carry out God the Father’s plan of Redemption. This story ends with the evil religious leaders seeking and wondering if Jesus will “show His face” in the Temple where they intended to arrest Him. Just as Paul Harvey, famous news commentator, used to say, “the rest of the story” will be carried out in the coming days of Passover week. Jesus is the Messiah sent by God the Father, empowered by God the Holy Spirit, to die for His chosen ones and to rise again, defeating death and the grave forever! All who call upon His name will be saved! Oh, reader, have you called upon Jesus? There is still time!

Source: S C Ball March 21, 2023


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