Unshakable Kingdom

Hebrews 12:18-29

Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken…

Once again, the author of Hebrews affirms to any lingering doubters regarding the superiority of the new covenant to the old one by telling his audience that we have come to the heavenly Mount Zion, the great assembly that dwells in the very presence of God Himself and, we have come to Jesus, whose blood opens for us the way into the presence of God. It would be foolish to think otherwise. When Christ consummates His kingdom at His return, He will fulfill God’s pledge to shake both the heavens and the earth. When this is done, only those things that cannot be shaken will remain. All others shall suffer eternal death. Our verses today remind us that we have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken, the kingdom of God, which Jesus inaugurated at His first coming. And, this is the only kingdom that will remain when He returns to consummate all things. Our appropriate response to such great news is to be grateful and worship. Many, in the original audience of this epistle were considering abandoning Christ, demonstrating a lack of thankfulness for the unshakable kingdom that Christ brings. A life of worship that reverently obeys God demonstrates the unshakable presence of the kingdom of which we are citizens. We worship because we know that our God is “a consuming fire.” He will destroy all those who do not receive His kingdom with worship and thankfulness. The author concludes with a warning to those who will not worship God with gratitude. We must heed this warning because our sin nature makes us prone to ignore the exhortation to worship God. Spend some time today in worship, thanking Him for giving you His kingdom and asking Him to help you heed His warnings.

Source: S C Ball April 24, 2024


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